Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How are you Hard-Wired?

Each of us is hard-wired a certain way. And that hard-wiring insinuates itself into our work. That's not a bad thing. Actually, it's what the world expects from you. We want our artists to take the mundane materials of our lives, run it through their imaginations, and surprise us. If you are by nature a loner, a crusader, an outsider, a jester, a romantic, a melancholic, or any one of a dozen personalities, that quality will shine through in your work.
-- Twyla Tharp in The Creative Habit

I ran across this quote while reading over the weekend and said a huge "YES!" It's always amazing to me when I read the work of these famous, creative people and it basically restates what I've come to believe through my own experiences. This quote from Twyla Tharp in her book The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life so completely expresses the idea behind my Find Your Eye classes: We all have a unique vision to share with the world, and it comes through in our work. We just have to look for it.

In my photography, I find that I typically like the scenes that show both details and context. Not the grand sweeping vistas so much or super close-up details, although you will see those on occasion. This one, a new one in my market/wheels series, is from Milan. A little scene of a market in the Brera district, the same market as my Orange Power shot but a different perspective capturing different details. Kind of typical of my work, don't you think? Not just in this series, but in the selection of composition, subject, camera settings. How are you hard-wired in your art? Do you know? If you're a photographer, I can help you find out in the Find Your Eye series of classes, and I'm so excited about that! Registration is open now if you're interested.

I'm barely into reading The Creative Habit and it's fantastic so far. It's been great to get my back into my own creative habits of journaling, reading and blogging in the mornings since the move. Together, these habits are my personal recipe to keeping me grounded, aware and creatively charged. I look forward to reading more of Twyla's wisdom in the coming days. You can expect me to share the bits and pieces I find interesting here! 


  1. Great quote indeed - I've come to expect a certain style from various photographers/artists and I know that others expect something from me. I can try really hard to change my style, but I think you're right, I may just be hard wired that way.

  2. Kat - thanks for the quote and the book recommendation. It has been added to my book list. Heading over to sign up for class - looking forward to discovering my "hard wiring"

  3. I'm still trying to figure that out. I know how I was hard-wired as a musician-the aural creative spirit, but my visual creative spirit is just coming on board.
    I love your image. Your images speak to me often. I feel the mood in them. I also love the thought of a market/wheels series....two seemingly unrelated things combined. Cool. Glad Twyla's helping with the transition.

  4. Interesting.... I've been meaning to read this book for ages. Thanks for reminding me! x

  5. Can't get enough of these great bike shots!

  6. MUST get that book Kat... the quote struck a chord with me... thanks.

  7. I have the book in my stack of reading and will move it to the top! I'm looking forward to your classes and defining my style even more!

  8. Great words. What a way to live! Hope reentry is going well.

  9. This is one of my favourite books! - the kind I go back to again and again.

    If our art is really coming from our soul - and if it's any good it will be - we can't avoid showing who we are through it. I think that's what makes criticism so hard to take sometimes, because we can't separate our artwork from our selves. It takes courage to be who you are, to express that in your art, and to put it out there for others to see.

  10. I actually have this book, and have had it for some time. One of those things that I put aside with the intention of picking it up "later." Will definitely have to get it out and start reading it!

    Love this photograph!

  11. I am reading this book right now too!!! (Although it is taking a very long time, unfortunately my reading time is very limited these days...) I also love it so far... so much inspiration :) I look forward to hearing more about your thoughts on it...



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