Friday, October 21, 2011

Back to Bologna

Yesterday as I was writing yesterday's Exploring with a Camera: Found Texture post I rediscovered an image for my market/wheels series. Taken over a year ago, this street scene in Bologna captured my interest for the texture, the scooter and the bustling street market. It was taken before I "discovered" my market/wheels series early last year. How many more images for this series do I have, hidden in my archives? I hope to find out.

As part of my goal to seek balance, I want to go back and sort through the thousands of images from my time in Italy. Seek a balance of working with the old and the new. Some of these images have been reviewed, edited and shared, but many, many more have not. I know I will learn more and see more with this review, both about myself and my photography. And hey, I can learn how to categorize and edit even more in Lightroom too, at the same time. Perfect.

I hope you all have a great weekend planned! I'll be working on my website, getting it ready to launch very shortly. I would love to have you to visit me in a few places, while I'm busy working...
- Musing on "home" at Mortal Muses, with a story of quilts, handmade with love.
- An interview on the Seek Your Course blog with me.
- Today I am the "Sparkling Sponsor" for the World's Biggest Summit. Yay! Welcome to all coming by! You can still sign up and join in this great, free class.


  1. I remember that photo - one of my favourites! Have fun with Lightroom and have a great weekend.

  2. Oh...I love Bologna!!! And - I somehow think I've been in this exact spot on this exact market and street..but then - so much looks the same. Wonderful image!

  3. Enjoyed reading the interview you gave. I love the sound of your morning routine. I too am a morning person, but seem to get stuffed into creating against grain afternoons and evenings. Hope the exposure pays dividends. I think that anyone who doesn't take your Find Your Eye is really missing out on something fantastic.


What's your view of the world? I love to hear yours too!

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