Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Moon

Tonight's full moon will be a "super moon" - the moon will be closer to the earth than it's been in 18 years, making it appear larger and brighter. I captured this photo last night from our apartment balcony, the first time I've ever tried to capture a good moon image.

I followed the instructions in this wonderful Muse University post about capturing the moon, written by my friend Barbara. In addition to her tips, I also found that turning the Image Stabilization off, using manual focus and a shutter remote helped. You can use the self timer on your camera if you don't have a remote. This image was captured at the maximum focal length (zoom) I own, 300mm, and was still not as clear as I would have liked. I had to crop quite a bit to get this composition. It's the first time I have ever wished for higher zoom. :)

If you've never tried it, tonight is a great night to "shoot the moon." Or, if photography is not your thing, take a moment to enjoy gazing at the super moon this evening.


  1. Oh Kat, I am definitely getting the telescope out. But remembering first to wrap up warmly! Thanks for the tip (and such a wonderful picture).

  2. I noticed how large the moon seemed last night here in Colorado. Makes sense. I will look again tonight.

  3. That's a great shot. I couldn't believe how bright the moon was last night. Let's hope tonight's not cloudy so we can see it again.

  4. It's beautiful. I hope the clouds clear up here so we don't miss it!

  5. The moon has been lovely and shooting it is already on my "to do" list for today/tonight. Great composition on your capture!

  6. I read your friends posting I am going to try and take some photos tonight. I have tried in the past and no success. I hope our clouds go away tonight.

  7. It's a beauty, Kat! So glad you captured it.

  8. what a really beautiful shot. i took some moon shots during the eclipse that turned out not quite as well as yours. maybe i should head out in the cold for some super moon photos!

  9. Great job, I love your composition. I too got out the tripod and zoom lens to capture the moon. Check it out:


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