Sunday, June 6, 2010

A New View

One of the things I loved about Barcelona was the modern architecture. Such wonderful, creative buildings around the city. A feast for the eyes, with the lines and the reflections. Such a wonderful contrast of old and new in this place. It was a nice break from the older, historic architecture I love and have been photographing so much this last year.

Another new "view" today is my blog redesign! This is the project I've been working on here and there, using the technical side of my brain for a creative purpose. I've tried to make it easier to find posts by labels and also to bookmark or share. Let me know what you think... what you like and don't like. I want to make this a place you like to visit, so please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Loved visiting your blog and seeing pictures of Barcelona! It sounds like that should be my next destination.


What's your view of the world? I love to hear yours too!

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