Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Architecture as Art

The attic of Casa Battlo, one of Antonio Gaudi's houses, is a magic place. All arches and light. Gaudi was an amazing architect of the Modernista age in Barcelona, he was able to create such a wonderful feel in the spaces he designed, even in something as mundane as an attic where only the servants would go. He was an artist, and his canvas was the buildings and spaces he created.

The feeling of light, design, art inside Gaudi's Casa Battlo was reminiscent for me of visiting Frank Lloyd Wright's Gordon House in Oregon. It's like you enter the space of genius. These places make me look at architecture differently, not just from the outside but from the inside too. And then I wonder why most of our buildings are boxes with holes in them for light, when we could have spaces like these.


  1. a lovely place...great image...just winging in from flying lessons...great to connect

    blessings, rebecca

  2. I was once told by an artist that architecture was simply for artists frustrated by the love of money and an unhealthy need for usefulness. I called him an elitest bohemian dork and we had a fist fight.


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