Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our day in Pavia

The weather is hot here, unseasonably hot I hear. Today we are just "chilling" at home, trying to stay cool before Brandon has a birthday party to go to in a couple of hours.

Yesterday we spent an enjoyable day in Pavia, a town about an hour's drive south from our house. It is a beautiful little town, with some interesting sights to see and a history going back to Roman times. Unfortunately there is not a lot of information on the town in English but Patrick managed to research the history a bit online. Between that and the map we bought of the city when we got there, we saw a lot of interesting things!

As always, visit Patrick's blog for more details on our day and the places we visted, and go here for my photos of the day. I tell my stories more with pictures than words, so that is what you are going to get from my blog. :)

And maybe some comments on the creative process as I explore that more... Like the fact that I noticed yesterday that I am becoming more comfortable with carrying my "big" camera around. Not as in physical comfort, but not feeling or caring that I look odd. I was looking more for the details or the things that strike me. What would tell part of the story of our visit or what just caught my eye. That means that I am taking more pictures these days, and I have more that I like to share with everyone.

So beware, when you visit my albums, it may take a while. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm still unemployed and living vicariously through your Italian adventure, so I'll look at a million photos if you want to post them. :)


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