Friday, June 5, 2009

Love at First Sight

Venice. What a feast for the eyes, food for the creative soul. What an amazing place to see, to experience, to photograph. It made me want to stop and take in every view, explore the city at all day to see how it looks in every light. I think this ranks up there as a place that everyone should visit in person before they die... along with the outlying islands of Murano and Burano that we also visited.

This weekend I intend to sort through the 898 photos I took to find the very best to share with you all. Until then, I updated my profile pic as a teaser. Sometimes I can't believe that we live in Italy and we are able to just walk out the door with our suitcase and get to a place like this in a couple of hours.

This has been a crazy week for me, and as soon as we arrived home from Venice on Tuesday evening I was working and on the phone to Corvallis. We had a big meeting on Thursday between my company and the company we work with, had visitors in from Corvallis so lots of meetings, dinners, etc. and I am tired! I look forward to a calm weekend at home, sorting through pics.

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