Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Real Life Still Life

Everyday, we walk by countless places that people live in, work in, shop in, play in. We don't even see these places most of the time, they are just part of the background noise of our every day lives. The good thing about travel is that it makes you more aware of what's around you, you are open, receptive and seeking. You are actively seeing what is someone else's background noise, what they don't even notice anymore. The little details of real life that are fantastic still life compositions, if we just notice them.

This real life still life was found in a back alley in Murten, Switzerland. My son and I were wandering around the town on our guidebook walking tour, and I caught this flash of blue in the corner of my eye. Not one to miss out on a possible color photo opportunity, we headed down the alley to investigate and found this wonderful little place, where someone had clearly set this scene up with artistic intent. I loved taking pictures here, but this is my favorite of them all, because it just shows the whole scene as created by the artist.

How many people do you think see this, being tucked into a back alley? How many of those people don't even notice it anymore, as part of the background noise in their everday life? It's a good thought to ponder as we go through our everyday. See if you can find a real life still life, accidental or intentional, in your background noise. You don't have to take a picture, just notice it. It takes active looking, an awareness that requires to you be in the moment. You can't be thinking about where you are going, what tasks you need to get done next.

I think you might find it a refreshing, positive experience. And you may find you enjoy the places you go, the things you see every day, just a little bit more. Let me know how it goes.

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So excited, today is my first post over at Mortal Muses! We are currently musing on Reflections. You all know that's a favorite subject of mine. :)  And come back tomorrow for a new Exploring with a Camera -  I can't wait to share it with you! It's a good week, all around.


  1. That is one thing I enjoyed about living in Germany; I was more inclined to "see" - I need to bring that back into my life in the U.S.

  2. I love the photo--cute chairs and my favorite color (turquoise is my color for 2010). You are so right about seeing the world differently when we travel--that's why I can't wait to go on my next trip! Right now I'm going to visit Mortal Muses...can't wait to read your post. Congrats again!

  3. You are so right Miss Kat! I think we have to train ourselves to pay attention but our default will always to keep Going and that will be the mission. I have Walmart time. When I just hang around the store and see what I can see. Sounds strange but it has been great training ground. Can't say I always paid attention but that too, is part of the journey. Happy Day to you my friend! PS Loved the post at MM!

  4. YES this is what I do all the time, even here in busy New York. I take meditative walks and focus on small things, like cracks in sidewalks or the still life of a beautiful window ledge with ivy spilling over it. I think seeing things through a camera lens makes us appreciate the beauty in small things.

  5. I love this photo and everything that it represents, it's such a good reminder of all the treasures around us that we so often don't notice because we're 'too busy' to stop and look around.

  6. I LOVE this photo! I want to sit there with a nice cup of coffee and an art journal. I do try to remember to look around and notice the small things. I don't always succeed, but I agree with Teri (above) about seeing things through a camera lens, you do tend to notice more. Congrats on Mortal muses, I just checked it out and it's fantastic!


  7. you make such a good point!! i am more observant of my surroundings when i'm in an unfamiliar place. but at home, i sort of take my surrounding for granted. true, true, true. it takes a tourist to see beauty sometimes! never thought of it like that before-

  8. yay, i love your post on mortal muses! i love the photo above too ♥

  9. I think we can learn to see anew! The interesting thing is that I learned a new "view through my camera" after having started blogging - very interesting and fulfilling. I believe I see more of the still life today. Yours is a very beautiful picture and I love your post on MM! Congratulations on getting there! You fully deserve it!

  10. Oh my gosh this is so true. you see the world like a child while traveling/visiting a new place. everything is for the first time. we are all in such a rush everyday we don't slow enough down to see things again - for the first time. great reminder.

  11. I just had to come back to say, this is one of my favourite stills. oh the colour and scene. just stunningly you picked up and composed. as if it can be seen in a photo book. Awesome! xm

  12. i saw this photo over at the inspiration studio and i had to stop by and comment on how much i enjoyed it this is exactly the kind of scene that makes my heart stop a beat:)

  13. i appreciated your statement "You don't have to take a picture, just notice it. It takes active looking, an awareness that requires to you be in the moment."
    i don't have a camera but i do see as a photographer - noticing details & loving beauty. we are created for this ..
    thank you for the beauty and your post!


What's your view of the world? I love to hear yours too!

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