Sunday, January 18, 2009

We DID something!

Lately in our house a lot of conversations start with:
"When we are in Italy..."
"When we get back from Italy..."
"If we don't go to Italy..."
We've been waiting and waiting and haven't been DOING much these days. Yesterday we finally DID something, not waiting for what is coming next. And it felt soooooo good!

We rearranged our front room to finally, FINALLY give me a reading chair that will get some sun. Sun is a precious commodity in Oregon winter, and we have only one south facing window. For years I've wished for a comfy chair to read or nap in the sun, but we never had the space. I've always loved that warm or even over-warmed feeling you get when sitting in a sunbeam. :)

In order to make this happen Patrick and I swapped desks, and we moved another cabinet from the front room into our spare room. Since I haven't been doing a ton of crafting, I don't need a lot of supplies out here. Many of my craft supplies are out on loan anyway. We moved my favorite chair from the spare room to the front room. Here is what "my" side of the room looks like now:

Here is the desk, where I mostly do my Italian lessons and homework these days:
Since it's clean and fresh, maybe I'll so some crafting again too. Who knows. :)

The only thing new I bought is this new collage photo frame above the chair, which I found at BiMart and it fills the space great. I did some conversions of our family pictures to give them a unified feel and was good to go.

I love it! It felt great to do something instead of waiting. It didn't cost us much of anything other than time. Today is sunny again so I'm going to take some time this afternoon to read in the sun.

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