Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Share Your View: Frame within a Frame

This perfect frame within a frame image presented itself to me last weekend in Burano. Have you been seeing frames all week too? Now's the time to Share Your View! Link up to your image, recent or archive, using the link tool below. Then we can hop around and enjoy all of the marvelous frames that the world has to offer. I'm looking forward to seeing through your eyes this week!


  1. Hey Kat. Not sure they all fit the "frame" idea, but here are a few shots to consider. If Framing includes vignetting with darkness I count the shot of the Empire State building with the moon above, and the shot of me bathing my son. (Is this how you intended readers to "link up?")

  2. I was practicing the frame within a frame a couple of months ago in Paris so here is my attenm

  3. It's good to share Kat, thanks for posting.

  4. Hello Kat, I looked through my archive and realized that this is a technique I've been using for quite some time. Thank you for the opportunity to share here!

  5. This is so much fun. I love all these photos!

  6. Ok, not sure if mine fits in, but it's my favorite one and it does remind me of the frame (in the group of pics no.4)

  7. I love this concept....thank you for another creative opportunity!


What's your view of the world? I love to hear yours too!

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