Monday, October 11, 2010

Special Place

Today I am musing on "where i live" over at the Mortal Muses More Musing site. Come by and see more about this special place near our home in Italy, and then look around at all of the other wonderful posts from people around the world about where they live.


  1. There is just Something about shooting up ( sounds awful). Through trees or like yesterday with people. A different perspective, love it Miss K!

  2. It looks mystical and magical, Kat.

  3. Beautifully captured sunlight, Kat!

  4. Ciao, Kat! I'm reluctantly back home after a fabulous trip to Italia. It was good to be unplugged for a few weeks, but now I'm anxious to catch up on all the great stuff you and other creative bloggers have been doing.

    Your sunlight photo is lovely. I'm going to check out your post of Mortal Muses right now. :)

  5. What a beautiful place you live in, you lucky girl :) I love the photos for that post, absolutely stunning.


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