Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Do you have a song running through your head now? :) The catchy song by Bobby McFerrin espouses such a simple philosophy - "Don't worry, be happy" - but it is often so difficult to put into practice.

I read in Simple Abundance today:
Worry is a future-tense emotion. Worry is a projection of a possible - not necessarily probable - scenario. Will there be enough? Where will it come from? How long will it last?
Worry is part of the habit of brooding I mentioned in Monday's post. Worry does us no good, it just keeps us mired in an unproductive place. Unless we can use our worry to create an action plan to move forward, away from it, through it - it's just wasted energy. I know from experience, I've wasted a lot of energy on worry in the past. It got me no where.

A counter action to worry is to be happy. Find moments of joy and beauty around you, and notice them. Intentionally dwell on them. Find things like these little wooden toys, smiling out at you from a souveneir kiosk in Venice. Painted on smiles, but do you smile back at them? I do, I can't help it.

Happiness can be found, it is a choice to look for it. So don't worry, be happy.

+ + + + + + + +

A couple of random things...
  • I'm on twitter! Come follow me @kateyeview so that I can find you and follow you back.  Let's take this conversation further!
  • Does anyone know of a charity that supports or promotes art and creativity? I'm looking for one! Even better if it has an international presence and focuses on women or children. Post any ideas here or email me kat [at] Thanks!


  1. You are so right. I worry too much too. I keep telling myself I shouldn't, and there are days in which I succeed in living in the now, enjoying the moment and soaking up the present, but somehow, often, the worrying creeps in again. Such a shame and a waste of all this beautiful time...

    The smiles on those toys are cute, but somehow they freak me out a bit. I guess I have watched too many horror movies when I was younger ;-)

  2. Don't Worry Be Happy has fun memories from my middle school talent show days. My other favorite life philosophy song is Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler." When facing a decision, "You gotta know when to hold it, know when to fold it."

  3. Lovely thought. It's Friday, so I'm happy:-) I'll give some thought to the charity question as I work in the business.

  4. I so agree with this. A bit of worry in life is natural but I like to focus on the bliss and folly of life! Why not, life is too short. :)

  5. Great philosophy to live by... Love your photo, I find much happiness in photographing toys!

  6. worry does seem to be such a waste of time. like you said, just to be happy with the present moment and not worry about possible scenaries that might never happen anyway- that's what i need to remember! :)

  7. The last few months I find myself singing Jesus songs over and over throughout the day and I really, love it. Gives me a sense of what is Real and keeps me going. Now, I will have to add Bobby McFerrin to the list!Thaks Miss K!

  8. Your words are so true! I also worry a lot and I wish I could stop that!
    Your photo reminded me of a photo I had taken of my daughter in Pisa when she was checking out all the little Pinocchios there. I looked for it and posted it on my blog.


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