Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Persistence

Nothing in this world can take the place of Persistance.
Talent will not; nothing is more commonplace than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistance and Determination alone are omnipotent.
                                                   - Calvin Coolidge

Isn't that a wonderful messsage? Persistance is the key. You might not be the most talented, a genius, have the "right" education... but none of those things in itself is the key to success. It is true isn't it? So when we tell ourselves that we don't have what it takes to reach our dreams, when we compare to others and say "I don't have the education" or "They are so much more talented," we need to stop and remember this message:
"Persistance and Determination alone are omnipotent."
And continue working onward, upward toward our dreams.

P.S. Today is one of those "out of the blue" blog posts, that I find myself drawn to writing instead of what was planned. Maybe I'll be inspired to write about Oktoberfest tomorrow. :)


  1. This is one of my favorite quotes and it's the one I've decided to test with my drawing 'project', I really want to find out if it's possible for me to get really good at it with lots and lots of practice and hard work. I expect it will take me years of continuous work to achieve the standards I'm after but I'm ok with that, I'm hoping that in years to come i can look through my blog and see how I've improved over years, no giving up! :)

  2. I have been reading your posts under the label personal growth with interest. This one seems to synchronize again with my recent post on Belief! To have self-belief takes persistence as you say not giving up!

    I also appreciate the post sentiment 'No Regrets' and how you are making the most of the moments whilst in Italy, such a beautiful place.

    I have been waiting for Eat Pray Love to come to the UK cinema, on Sunday I got to see it and am still there in my mind soaking up all the Italian love of life, the moments the film portrays!

  3. very lovely words for me to hear today. The fatigue starts to set in sometimes which then dulls the ability to keep going...but somehow WE MUST!

  4. I know some who are more and less persistant than myself. Love that you followed your blog heart, love the photo lines!

  5. I love "out of the blue" posts. :) They give a truer view of your thought process and creativity. Looking forward to the Oktoberfest post too. :)

  6. love this post. something I need to hear today for sure. out the blue thoughts are the best and that image is awesome! i do however need to hear all about your Octoberfest fiascos!!!!!

  7. You are so right, Kat, and we trulky have to remember that more often. Unfortunately I have this habit of comparing myself to more talented people which is really crappy! It's good to see that in words like you did today. Thank you. And I really would like to know about your weekend in my native country!

  8. I love not only that quote but the out-of-the-blue theme (hmmmm....) Most of my blog posts start that way...

  9. You are so right. Love your out of the blue posts.

  10. When I was in education, I remember talking about certain students who, in spite of their learning issues, we knew would succeed in life simply because of their persistance. I believe it!!

  11. What a wonderful post. I needed this reminder today.

  12. I always believed if my children were hard workers they would succeed so I never worried about their native intelligence. Having taught for many years, I know the power of persistence and determination, but I've never read this quote before. Thanks for sharing it.

  13. Thanks for the reminder to stay with our visions to the end result. Love those out of the blue topics!

  14. I just had to add this Julie Andrews quote I ran across today: "Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth." I guess it worked for her!!

  15. Perfect center in the photo. Lovely encouraging words, too. :)

  16. love this shot it leads your eye all the way down


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