Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Brick at a Time

Today marks my 365th blog post - one year! I've been watching the little number tick up daily on my blogger dashboard and have been marveling. I've written one year of posts. To be honest, it took me two years to get the 365 posts, but I've decided it's the number itself that counts. And since most of the posts are since I started doing the photo-a-day posts last November, it means more to me. It's since that time that I've found my voice, found my eye, found myself here in this daily blog.

It's funny, for the last couple of years, I've watched all of these people share their "Project 365" photos where they take a photo every day of the year, and I always said "I could never do that." It's wonderful to see bits and pieces of people's lives captured daily, and they have a cool record of the year when they are done. But that never interested me. Much as I love photography, I don't feel inspired to take a picture every day. I didn't have interest in a project where I would start and invariably fizzle out after a month or two. But, when I got the idea to share a picture every day, to look through my pile of photos (metaphorically speaking) and pick out the best, the ones that speak to me in some way, now that I could do.

So here I am, at post 365. How did I get here I ask myself? One day, one image, one word at a time. Just like when building something monumental, a cathedral or a castle, it's built one brick, one stone at a time. That's what it takes.

Of course, in my case I don't have a blueprint. I'm just figuring out as I go along and that seems to work. I don't have hard and fast rules for myself, like "you must post every day" or "you must post in sequential order" or "you must have a specific topic" because that would all make it feel like work. I know myself, I would work really hard to meet the self-dictated rules and then, eventually, lose all interest because I would have lost the spark that got me started. Think about it, have there been times where your self-imposed rules have run you into the ground? Do you have any right now? I'm constantly on the lookout for them anymore. I've learned those little self-imposed rules are the ones that can get in the way of following my heart, creating great things because I'm so busy with the work of following my rules.

Thanks for joining me here, thanks for reading post 365 of the Kat Eye View. A place where rules are thrown out and images and words are based on whatever inspires me that day. A place where you can participate too, answer a question, leave a comment, tell me your view. I love to hear what's going on with you! I've met some amazing people this way, through comments and blog hopping and I love it. One more thing that motivates me to keep going!

Ciao until next time, post 366...

(Image is of Rheinfels Castle, in St. Goar, Germany in the Rhine River Valley.)


  1. Hi Kat. I love photo #365! I've always had an attraction to rocks and stones, and in this photo I especially like the colors of the old rugged door and the vines against the wall, and also the pattern of the stones. You do have such a great eye!
    I'm very much a "rules person" when it comes to certain things, such as playing games. I always want to know and follow the rules just so there is order to the game. Some of my rules are self-imposed, some come from others or from "society", but if a rule doesn't make sense, I'm prone to break it, challenge it, or try to change it.
    Have a great day, Kat!

  2. It's called Design Build. And you can do it with buildings and construction as well...however...a good General Contractor, which I happen to know one, will tell you that can get you into some hot water with your budget! Not the same with artistic expression...sometimes the hot water feels nice! :)

  3. Congrats Kat! Writing and photography, such a beautiful combination...

  4. Congrats on completing a year of posting and growing and learning! I, too, find such inspiration from visiting blogs and reading comments on my blog. This creative blogging community is so wonderful!

  5. Thank you for posting so many great images and wonderful comments!!

    They are extra nice to look at and read about because of where you are! But I know I'd still enjoy them if you lived in my city and it was all familiar. Kat, you have a great Eye!

    Congratulations on a years worth of daily entries!

  6. Cheers Kat! That is a milestone. I am inspired by your pictures and your posts. Your pictures inspire me along with your posts. I love seeing the places you have gone to. In my life time I don't suspect that I will travel to the places you have been... thanks!

  7. Congratulations to 365 posts! Wow! That's a lot!
    I can relate to your self-imposed rules. I decided not to have any rules and follow the voice of my heart. So far, it has been the right decision, but I only started my blog not even two months ago. I look forward to your next 365 posts!


What's your view of the world? I love to hear yours too!

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